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Scholarship Application


To prevent delays in processing your scholarship application, please collect and upload:

1. A letter of acceptance from a college or university. 

2. Two letters of reference: 


  • One letter must come from a school official with letterhead.
  • One must be from a place where you volunteer. Must be on official letterhead from the organization.


3. Download The release form (below), have your parent or guardian fill it out, and attach to the scholarship application.



**Scholarship Closed on March 15, 2025**

Approximately one third of individualss do not finish college witih one of the reasons being financial challenges. Should post secondary education be free? If yes, why? What should the repercussions be for not completing and why? If it should not be free, when why not?

*Essay must be 300-500 words, Times New Roman, 12 pt-font, 1 inch margins.

Scholarship Application

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