Hello my name is Jared Cofield a second year in the five-year MBA Program at Hampton University, and I was a proud recipient of the “EAESSI” 2023 scholarship award to help further my education here at my “Home by the Sea”! Receiving this scholarship allowed me and my parents to not only have security in any financial mishaps that occurred throughout the year. But, it also inspired me to excel in other activities and opportunities. Being granted the opportunity to not worry about anything financial allowed me to enjoy my Freshman year at Hampton University. Joining the choir, being a part of the Homecoming fashion show, and also being able to Meet the Vice-President of the United States. Were just some of the amazing moments that I was able to witness in my first year. However it wasn't all easy at first. Understanding the balance of being on your own is a challenging task to master.
Being a small fish in a big pond, can challenge you to go outside of your shell. That was something that I struggled with in my first semester. Not knowing how to make friends and even reaching out to other classmates was something that I deemed to be scary. However, stepping outside of my comfort zone and joining organizations like choir and having the opportunity to travel across the country to sing , or participating in events like fashion shows. Allowed me to understand that the support at any school that you go to is there. If I could give any pointers to incoming freshmen, it is to not be afraid to be yourself and to ask for help. Being yourself allows others to connect to who you truly are and not who they think you are. Forming connections that will help you in the future whenever you need it, is something that only you being yourself can do in your own special way. Then finally, ask for help.
College is a fun time yet, there will times when you won’t understand a math test, or not understand why you got the grade you have. Asking for help will help you form connections with professors, classmates and ultimately build your convince up as a person and member of society. There are many ways that school can help you. Whether it be mentally, academically, or socially. Asking for help is a way to accept change in life and make new bonds. With understanding the pointers listed prior, in my upcoming year I plan to challenge myself more in many areas of academics and also allow myself to understand that not everyone is perfect and that it is okay to make mistakes. However don’t let those mistakes keep you down. Instead “learn from them so you can earn from them”. Thank you so much to “EAESSI” for granting me the opportunity to reflect and also share wisdom for the future scholars!